Aneesh Sehgal
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
If a student is already studying at an NIT, what is the fun in appearing in the test again? Is it due to non-availability of the desired branch and joine an NIT just because of the reason that it was an N I T !??, I guess at that time only that student must have located another equally reputed institution, took admission over there and be relaxed about the future which was certainly going to be bright. Well, coming to your query, i can say that Yes a studenty amy appear for the second time as well and if this time again he/she fails to reach the heights by getting the desired branchh as well as desired institution, well and good, otherwise he/she must choose any one of these – Gitam University, Vishakhapatnam,.................Lovely Profesional University, Phagwara,..................BITS, Pilani Rajasthan etc,