Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> since my coaching institute is doing only...
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since my coaching institute is doing only with hsc,can i go for jee without coaching? how many hours of study i will have to put on? and how to go for it?

Ritik Jain , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Mohit Kumar

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

it only depends on your hardwork.... you don’t have to study hours together …. instead you should go for qualitative study and make your self strong in your strong areas........ it is not necessary to read 100 percent syllabus.... if you are through with 75 percent completely …... then you would definately excel with good rank..from now onwards giving 2hours atleast for each of the subject will serve your purpose..these two hours is different from your school hours … these are the hours you have to do work yourself...

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