Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Respected Sir, Sir I wanted to ask that h...
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Respected Sir,Sir I wanted to ask that how do i start a quick revisions of all topics covered in JEE(mains) and JEE (Advanced)!Sir couldyou please tell me the way how i start ? I mean for example physics where should i start like from kiinematics n all? i want to know for all three subjects and also tell me the topics with the highest weightage so that i give them more importance!Thank you

Parinit Dhoble , 9 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

IITJEE is one of the most prominent exam for all engineering aspirants and it needs the preparation in an oganised manner,, for quick start u need to revise all the formula for PCM and atleast once u must have to read ncert textbook for concept grasp.. time is too crucial and solve the last 6 year paper to know all about the pattern that was being asked in prev jee exam. moreover as being a iit aaspirants u cannnot neglect any topics beacuse every topic is most important and leaving 1 or 2 topics will affect you..
some topics are there which require less effoprt u can easily score in that,
keep ur formula books handy and solve as much ques as u can..
attend mock test and check ur grasp on subject..

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