
respected sher mohammad sir, what is the scope of mathematics and computing? how is its placements? i actually wanted to take up cse...but since my rank is bad i cant take it...i got cse at srm university...will u still ask me to take mathematics and computing? it any how related to cse? thank u.

respected  sher mohammad sir,
 what is the scope of mathematics and computing? how is its placements? i actually wanted to take up cse...but since my rank is bad i cant take it...i got cse at srm university...will u still ask me to take mathematics and computing? it any how related to cse? thank u.


2 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
The future scope is very nice, and the placment are very good, it has the same course structure as cse.
p.s: please upvote the answer if you like it.
sher mohammad, iit delhi
12 Points
10 years ago
yes..sure..thank you sir

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