
please tell answer ….eager to know ...please …..i also attach image if u cant understand ….…. the resultant of A vector and B vector makes an angle alpha with A vector and beta with B vector ,then prove alpha is greater than beta if A is greater than B

please tell answer ….eager to know ...please …..i also attach image if u cant understand ….…. the resultant of A vector and B vector makes an angle alpha with A vector and beta with B vector ,then prove alpha is greater than beta if A is greater than B

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1 Answers

Ramreddy IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 49 Points
10 years ago
The resultant vector is more close to the vector which is having more magnitude. so here if A>B (magnitude of A is greater than B) then resulatant will makes less angle with Vector A. So will get alpha < beta. The resultant will bend towards the one which is dominant i.e. having more magnitude.

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