Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> My OBC rank 968. NIT Trichy 2014 (1st rou...
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My OBC rank 968. NIT Trichy 2014 (1st round)CSE Branch(OBCO 383--OBCC 1180) This year, 1st round (OBCO 112- OBCC 209) Is there any chance to get Trichy by 3rd round or so? Cut off ranks are made very narrow for all institutes. Is this something to do with the JoSAA (as it is conducted for the first time)! Please tell me my chances.Already got NIT Delhi CSE. Thanks

Sandeep , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Ayushmaan Vardhan

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

If you have already got a seat at NIT Delhi in CSE then you needn’t look for any other option, but for the sake of your knowledge you can visit the weblinks of leading institutions and gather an extensive information about placements, fee structures, scholarship plans etc, try any of these – Jiwaji Uni, Gwalior,.......BHU, Varanasi,........BITS sindri,............Lovely Professional uni, Phagwara

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