Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Is it better to join IIT Bhubaneshwar EEE...
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Is it better to join IIT Bhubaneshwar EEE or choose CS in IIT Palakkad or are there any better choices for AIR-4420

Subhash , 6 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear student,

Here are two things to choose from, a better college and a more demanded branch. Firstly, it should depend upon your own personal preferance of branch. Where do you see yourself after 4 years of college?

If the answer would be independent of the branch you would choose, definitely go for a better college since it is the value of the college that matters while placements. And why then stick to these two, you can get admissions into older IITs like IIT Roorkee at the same rank. And also you have the option of changing the branch in the first year of your college(though you have to work hard in the semester to achieve that goal).

All the best!

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