Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> In exams like VITEEE and JEE should motio...
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In exams like VITEEE and JEE should motion of shm be considered asAcos(wt) or Asin(wt)?In a few questions it is not mentioned whether the displacement is considered from the mean position or extreme position. Hence i have this doubt

Pranava B , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

If you start measuring time from the "equilibrium position" then you use Sin.
This is because the sine function is zero at the start when time is zero(Cos is not).
The equilibrium position is zero displacement.

You could use cos if you start time from maximum displacement.

The rule is, if displacement is zero at time zero then use sine.
Sin(0) = 0
Cos(0) = 1

So if you're deciding whether it's sin(wt) or cos(wt) consider what you want happening at t = 0. Often velocity = 0 at t = 0 so the velocity is of the form sin(wt). In the same scenario, there is usually a fixed displacement at t = 0 and so the displacement is of the form cos(wt).

Btw, 'w' should really be 'omega' which is the angular velocity. But my keyboard doesn't have omega. 

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