Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> i wanted to ask that which books are good...
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i wanted to ask that which books are good to prepare for iit?

pallavi mohini , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

@ pallavi 
frst of all for JEE read the necrt throughly , as in jee 50 percent of the question are from ncert , rest choose the books which best suits you , as every author have diffrent approach to explain the concept , so, choose the one in which u are comfortable in . 
i am listing some books below u can choose with your preference . 
1- PHyiscal chem by o.p tandon 
2- organic chemi by morission and boyd. 
3- inorganic chemi by mtg publication 
MATHS BY ml khanna / objective maths by rd sharma . 
concept of physics by h c verma , ( 2 volume ) . 
problems in general physics by i.e irodov . 
just solve these books side by side with ncert , u can clear JEE easily . 
askiitian self study package are also good , u can refr to them to clear the concept . 
hope it clears the query . 

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