Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> I'm in 11 Standard. I'm preparing for JEE...
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I'm in 11 Standard. I'm preparing for JEE 2018. I have started with INChem and OChem but haven't yet started with Physical Chem (except Mole concept). I am looking to start it from Jan 6 after college exams. I wanted to know which chapters for 11 th are in PChem. In which order should I study them? And whats the time needed for each chapter? I have RCM and P Bahadur books. As I'm looking to start with problems on 6 th Jan I want to complete theory part of first chapterof PChem before Jan 6 by NCERT-. Please suggest me the order in which I should do and time needed for each chapter.Thanks!

Daniel , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

dear daniel 
here below i am anlisting the chapters of physical chemi 
1- atomic structure 
2- chemical bonding 
3- equilibrium 
4- electrochermi 
5- chemical kinetics 
6- solid state 
7- states of matter 
8- solution 
9- redox reaction 
10 – surface chemi 
11- some besic concept 
12- thermodynamics 
SO, start with atomic structure and then chemical bonding , and remember – these two are the most imp chapter and without a proper understanding of these two , u cannot do well in inorganic also , 

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