i live in Janak puri new delhi..i m 12th pass & in search of a distance learning program..is fiitjee a good option or resonance or allen?how can i clear my doubts which occur while solving questions....i m not in a condition to take classroom coaching..so i need a proper study material to understand concepts and questions to solve....as i have made my mind to improve my jee main scores.any suggestions would be appreciated...
Akshit , 10 Years ago
2 Answers
Arun Kumar
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
You can join crash courses of FIITJEE or BANSAL or askiitians too.
That would give you all the materials required and given you do a lot of study you can improve you mains score next year.
but is the DLP of fiitjee better or Resonance.. people are saying that FIITJEE's material is above jee level and not fit for self study.. do they provide solutions to all the questions in the study material.. it would be of great help....
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