I have decided to take a drop this year to prepare for JEE and other entrance exams next year.I have scored 83% in CBSE Board exam 2014. As top 20 percetile may raise up this year, and further up next year, I have also decided to appear in CBSE improvement exams. So during registration for JEE and all do I need to state that I have appplied for improvement or do I need to state my 2014 board marks, or thers somthing else in the board marks TAB in the application form?Also if I crack JEE ADVANCED next year will I get admission to IITs or they mayanot allow me as I have appeared for improvement exams?
Raj Kumar , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Sher Mohammad
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Till then you will get your improved result, improvment exams are conducted with compartment students.
sher mohammmad
faculty askiitians
B.Tech, IIT Delhi
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