Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> I have a very booring time while spending...
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I have a very booring time while spending my holidays after 10tt and I was thinking of studing 11th NCERT Books of CBSE Board, as I have been studing in SSC I am facing many problems with the study course. The Entrance Exams like NEET, JEE (Mains & Advanced), etc. are all conducted according to CBSE Pattern, so I wanted to have some tips over it. I am from a poor background & cannot afford to take Coaching for the studies. Please kindly guide me!

Ketan Mahandule , 7 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Yes sure dear, everyone cannot afford coaching. But please tell us knw what type of guidance you need. Also tell us for which exam you want to prepare IIT-JEE or NEET.
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