
I got 229 marks in Mains, 170marks in Advanced, 335marks in Bitsat. Which course is suitable for me?

I got 229 marks in Mains, 170marks in Advanced, 335marks in Bitsat. Which course is suitable for me?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
With bits score you can get CS in hyderabad campus or mechanical in pilani campus.
with mains score you can expect a rank in between 50,000-75,000 although you can expect much better rank if you can give us 12th marks.
You can expect a rank near 7500 but with that you won't get a good branch in any old IITs but you still have options in new IITs.

Thanks & Regards, Arun Kumar, Btech,IIT Delhi, Askiitians Faculty

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