Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> i belong to tn board in my board they add...
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i belong to tn board in my board they add 11th and 12th marks for counselling.My 11th marks are low and i am going to appear in jee 2019.if my total outoff 1200 comes out to be 70%. In nit and iit counselling they comsider both or only the 12th marks please tell me because of this i have stopped my preparation and i will sure score above 75% in 12th

adhi adhitya , 6 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Deepak Kumar Shringi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

in IIT or NIT only marks of 12 class is considered and to fullfill the criteria either you have minimum 75% in your board examination or in top 20% percentile of respective board

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