Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> I am an 11 th student and i also attend v...
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I am an 11th student and i also attend vidyamandir classes at pitampura. I need to know that how much time in a day should i devote to my studies. I am also a gamer and i play games on m pc exactly 2 hours a day. So should i decrease the gaming time or just stop it because something should be sacrifised??

Aayush Jain , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Remember one thing to acheive something something has to be sacrified.But the rate at which you sacrifice depends onyour preparation level.If your preparation level is good then you can devote timefor others thjing also.Playing games does not deviate you,but you should not get too much involved in it.You should give preference to your homeworks ,assigments and regular study.If all the things are going good then its ok.Atleast you should give that much time so that you are competing your school work,and other study work.

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