Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> I am a class 12th student preparing for I...
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I am a class 12th student preparing for IITJEE 2017. Whenever I read anything, after 2 to 3 weeks, it seems to me like I have forgotten whatever I read past 2 weeks. What should I do? I always forget whatever I read after some days. Offourse I dont forget everything, but it seems of loosing confidence from that chapter . So can you suggest me some steps so that I don't forget the chapters? And do iitians ever forget anything they read?

Krishna Yb , 8 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

hi krishna
donot be sad . i also suffer from same problem last year and found solution on this site and joined this site.
in class 11 and class 12 syllabus is so much that it becomes obvious that children forget it.to overcome this start relating things with your life. this method works for physics and chemistry. before starting a chapter read its significance that why it is important and its use for daily life. learn concepts and not things . stop cramming things.  try to do eperimental work . corelate life with science and science with life.
finally your interest will beome in studies and ones you understand you will never forget in your whole life
thanks and approve my answer
regards sahil


Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Dear student
Forgetting is human tendency which arises when you read something without interest.We always remember movie stories and songs(isn’t it??)because of interest.Don’t read because you have to, jus understand what you reada nd you will never forget.

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