Guest I have taken a drop this year so that I can appear in JEE 2015 .I scored 83% in CBSE boards 2014. So I was not in the top 20 percentile. But as per new rule it is 75%. But has it been confirmed that this new ruleis applicable to students who have taken a drop? I have asked this question before I have taken a drop this year so that I can appear in JEE 2015.I scored 83% in CBSE boards 2014. So I was not in the top 20 percentile. But as per new rule it is 75%. But has it been confirmed that this new ruleis applicable to students who have taken a drop? I have asked this question before


1 Answers

Suraj Prasad IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 286 Points
9 years ago
new rule will be applicable for all. its not the case of drop and fresh students. .

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