
how to study for jee in 8 months as in my case...... i am really confused plz guide me i have dropped a year for jee 2015.shoul i join fiitjee and prepare with them. what are the important topics in maths for jee

how to study for jee in 8 months as in my case...... i am really confused plz guide me i have dropped a year for jee 2015.shoul i join fiitjee and prepare with them.
what are the important topics in maths for jee

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Aziz Alam IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 232 Points
10 years ago
For JEE one shouldn’t compromise the quality of study i.e. you have to make sure that the topic which you are studying should be perfect in context to JEE.You should be able to solve questions regarding the topics you have covered.So don’t go for the total coverage of course. You need to prioritise thetopics according to the weightage.In maths, Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry are very important topics.Join an institute which suits your pace. IF you thiink you can’t match their pace then it may backfire.

Best of Luck

THanks & Regards
Aziz Alam
IIT Roorkee

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