Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Hi I am Hanshika. I am from chennai. I cu...
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Hi I am Hanshika. I am from chennai. I currently in 11th Tamilnadu state board.I am good in my academics. Currently I am going for IIT coaching classes but i find difficulty in understanding concepts. If I understand also when it comes to problems its totally blank. I dont know if I am capable of cracking IIT. I am not super intelligent. I think I lack the power of logical thinking maybe I dont know. May be Its because I am from state board I am finding it difficult. I work 3hrs everyday but I dont think thats enough. Can you give some advice

Hanshika Mani , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Mukati

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Dear Hanshika, First of all do not think of yourself as week compared to others. Also do not think that you lack in logical thinking because of the state board. I will advice you to search out your week points and start practicing on them. Focus more on problem solving skills. Try to solve more problems. Discuss your doubts/problems with your tutor. Thanks.

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