
Hi, I am a student studying in Karnataka PU(pre-university) Board, we follow a syllabus which is a subset of the NCERT syllabus.Here we have 6 subjects and I have Physics,Chemistry,Maths,Electronics,English and Kannada(Regional language).My question is do they consider Kannada subject’s marks for normalisation and can you please tell me which of the above subjects do they consider?

Hi, I am a student studying in Karnataka PU(pre-university) Board, we follow a syllabus which is a subset of the NCERT syllabus.Here we have 6 subjects and I have Physics,Chemistry,Maths,Electronics,English and Kannada(Regional language).My question is do they consider Kannada subject’s marks for normalisation and can you please tell me which of the above subjects do they consider?


1 Answers

Amit Shekhar IIT Kharagpur
askIITians Faculty 25 Points
10 years ago
Your percentage will be calculated from best 5 subjects


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