Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Hello sir , my maths is very weak in orde...
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Hello sir , my maths is very weak in order to score good in MAINS 2015 . Which important topics i should cover to score good maths ? I also whish to know that if i`ve done all the numericals,examples and questions from NCERT books for Physics , Chemistry and Maths , do i stand a chance to score good in Mains ? Is JEE MAINS upto the level of NCERT only or difficult than that ? Thankyou

lakshay gaur , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 3 Answers
Nishant Vora

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Important topics for maths JEE mains:

  1. Coordinate geometry
  2. Calculus
  3. P & C, Probablity
  4. Quadratic
  5. Seq and series
  6. Complex numbers
Adding , if you have solved NCERT and have develop a very good problem solving skill, if concepts are clear than it would not be vey difficult to clear JEE mains

Harsh Patodia

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

For Chem CBSE level is enough if you have done it quite well. For Physcis also Board level preparation is quite useful. Just need to go for some extra questions 1 level higher. For that best Book is HC verma

For maths NCERT level not enough. You need to go through some tough problems although concepts are same as CBSE. Problem difficulty level is bit high for which enough practice is required.

For maths the best topics which you should go first
Seuence and Series
Cordinate Geometry
Quadratic and Complex
Differential Calculas
Straight Lines
These chapter carry heavy weightage.
Depending on your strength you can modify 2-3 topics in and out.

lakshay gaur

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Thank you sir !

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