Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Hello experts. I'm currently in class 11 ...
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Hello experts. I'm currently in class 11 and I'm enrolled in a coaching centre and I take tuitions for PCM. In school, I've taken up PCM with computer science. I'm finding it quite difficult to manage the work assigned at my coaching centre, tuitions and school. Can you please help me by telling me about a good and effective strategy for managing these three things? I am aiming to crack the IIT-JEE. Thank you for your help.Regards.

Durwa Thakur , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear student,

It does not seem to be a good choice to go to both JEE coaching and tuitions. When you are covering syllabus for IIT JEE in coachings, you have already far exceeded that taught in tuitions and there is no point left in learning in those. Most of the people who have cracked JEE would find the point of joining tuitions as void. And this would save huge amount of time of yours and you would be able spend that on self study.

Do remember that you need to be very focused while prearing for an exam like JEE.


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