
Find the locus of the mid point of the chord of a circle x 2 + y 2 = 4 such that the segment intercepted by the chord on the curve x 2 - 2x – 2y =0 subtends a right angle at the origin.

Find the locus of the mid point of the chord of a circle x+ y= 4 such that the segment intercepted by the chord on the curve x- 2x – 2y =0 subtends a right angle at the origin.


4 Answers

abhishek singh
40 Points
9 years ago
hey man ,, why you guyz post such a question which are either wong or incompete ,, it wastes too much time ,,, 
Vikrant Prasad
33 Points
9 years ago
well its a correct question 
abhishek singh
40 Points
9 years ago
ohh , really?? have you even tried to draw the figure urself ??? all the segments intercepted on this curve inside the circle subtend an obtuse angle
Arnav jain
20 Points
8 years ago
It is a correct question and the answer is x^2 + y^2 - 2x - 2y = 0. And i am currently working on it.

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