Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Does someone know the real story behind I...
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Does someone know the real story behind IIT JEE paper leak in 1997?

alok singh , 10 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Ambar Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

In 1997, IIT JEE was cancelled for the first time. The story is that a private coaching institute in Lucknow called its students 12 hours before the Physics and Chemistry exams for ‘last-minute tips’. 100, out of a total of 700 students enrolled there, joined the session.
Some questions were distributed to them and students were asked to learn them by heart. To students’ surprise, 70% of Physics and Chemistry questions were same in the actual JEE exam. A father reported about the paper leak to IIT authorities in New Delhi but was ignored as IIT officials thought that it was ‘just another complaint’ by a disgruntled parents whose kid did not perform well in the exam.
On the next day, the coaching institute again distributed the Mathematics paper ahead of the exam to its students. Most questions in the paper were bang-on while there were only minor changes of figures in other questions. This time around, an unidentified examinee in Lucknow faxed the paper to the Chairman, IIT JEE an hour before the exam was to take place on May 4.
This led the IIT authorities to save the credibility of the exam by cancelling the paper.
Reports said that the coaching leaked the paper for Roorkee Engineering College entrance exam too (on May 7) but despite the rumours, this exam was not cancelled due to lack of concrete evidence.

Best Regards
Ambar Kumar
askIITians Faculty

Durgesh Kum Ar

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Trivack coaching(Lucknow) leaked paper in 1997 because ...son of IIT Kanpur’s Director was studying in there coaching.

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