
Do you have any tips to complete rc Mukherjee chemistry with complete concept

Do you have any tips to complete rc Mukherjee chemistry with complete concept


1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
Answer ::

RC Mukherjee Chemistry is a one of the best Physical Chemistry books for JEE exam preparation, when it comes to numerical problems. Called ‘Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations’, this book excellently covers all types of numericals related to Physical Chemistry. It has good number of questions and all the topics related to JEE syllabus are well covered.

RC Mukherjee is definitely a good reference book for Physical Chemistry to prepare for Jee Main. But first you must complete NCERTs then you should go for any other book. NCERTs hold the entire syllabus and help to have a clear conception, so everyone should start with NCERT ttextbooks.


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