Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> crude calcium carbide is made in an elect...
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crude calcium carbide is made in an electric furnace where product contain 85% of Cac2 and 15% of unreacted so how much so is to be added for each 1000kg of Crude to production how much so is to be added 4000 kg of crude production

Ak khan , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Manish Tiwari

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

After comparing molecular and atomic masses we find that 56 g of CaO is needed to produce 64 grams of pure CaC2, 56gm---------64gmXgm-----------1000gmtherefore 1000 kg pure CaC2 requires (1000*56)/64 kg of CaO.Hence,1000 kg crude product requires, (((850*56)/64) +150) kg of CaOHope it helps

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