
A chain of mass m and length l is lying on a cylinder of radius R. The string holding the chain at the highest point on the cylinder is anchored at the level of the highest point on a nearby wall. Determine the acceleration of the chain when the string is burnt

A chain of mass m and length l is lying on a cylinder of radius R. The string holding the chain at the highest point on the cylinder is anchored at the level of the highest point on a nearby wall. Determine the acceleration of the chain when the string is burnt  

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2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Let θ be the angle the other end and the vertical from center subtends at the center.
Let λ be the mass per unit length of the chain= 
Gravitational potential energy of the chain=∫ 
0θ λRdθg(Rcosθ)
= lmR 2 g
sinθ Since R>l, θ= 
Rl?GPE= l
mR 2 g? 
sin Rl
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
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