
The estimation of reducing substances by the use of standard iodine solution is called (A) Iodimetry (B) Iodometry (C) Both A and B (D) None

The estimation of reducing substances by the use of standard iodine solution is called   

        (A)    Iodimetry

        (B)    Iodometry  

        (C)    Both A and B  

(D)    None

Grade:upto college level

2 Answers

Simran Bhatia
348 Points
10 years ago

Iodimetry: It involves the direct titration of reducing agent (like thiosulphate) with standard iodine solution.


        Iodometry: In these titrations, iodine is firstly liberated by treatment of KI with oxidizing agent and then this liberated iodines in titrated with reducing agent.

37 Points
10 years ago


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