
In the reaction 2Na(g) ® Na+(g) + Na−(g); ?H = +4.38 Kj/mol The large anion can be stabilized by using (A) Ether (B) Cryptate (C) Hydration (D) Clatherates

        In the reaction  


                2Na(g) ® Na+(g) + Na−(g); ?H = +4.38 Kj/mol


        The large anion can be stabilized by using  

        (A)    Ether

        (B)    Cryptate

        (C)    Hydration

(D)    Clatherates


1 Answers

Amit Saxena
35 Points
10 years ago

Cryptate ligand e.g.,

        Na[2, 2, 2 crypt]+ Na is table at 263 K where 2, 2, 2 crypt ligand is




Cryptate ligand e.g.,

        Na[2, 2, 2 crypt]+ Na is table at 263 K where 2, 2, 2 crypt ligand is




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