
16 th group elements S, Se, Te and Po form different type of halides; the hexa, tetra, di and monohalides. The polarity of the M – F bond increases as the size of the atom M increases Tetrafluorides and tetrachlorides are formed by almost all elements while Te and Po form solid tetraiodides. Only sulphur forms the dihalide, SCl 2 Most stable hexafluoride and the most stable tetrachloride of sulphur group elements S, Se and Te are (A) SF 6 , SCl 4 (B) TeF 6 , TeF 4 (C) SF 6 , TeCl 4 (D) TeF 6 , SCl 4

16th group elements S, Se, Te and Po form different type of halides; the hexa, tetra, di and monohalides. The polarity of the M – F bond increases as the size of the atom M increases Tetrafluorides and tetrachlorides are formed by almost all elements while Te and Po form solid tetraiodides. Only sulphur forms the dihalide, SCl2


Most stable hexafluoride and the most stable tetrachloride of sulphur group elements S, Se and Te are 

        (A)    SF6, SCl4

        (B)    TeF6, TeF4

        (C)    SF6, TeCl4

        (D)    TeF6, SCl4



1 Answers

Hrishant Goswami
343 Points
10 years ago

(C)    SF8 is inert, most stable among the hexafluorides of sulphur group elements. With increase in size of the atom, the polarity of M – F bond increases making the molecule more susceptible to nucleophilic attacj by H2O. Thus, TeF6 is most unstable, SF6 most stable. Among tetrachlorides, TeCl4 is the most stable and SCl4 is the least stable.

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