
A thin uniform wire AB of length 1m, an unknown resistance X and a resistance of 12? are connected by thick conducting strip, as shown in the figure. A battery and a galvanometer (with a sliding jockey connected to it) are also available. Connections are to be made to measure the unknown resistance X using the principle of Wheatstone bridge. Answer the following questions. (a) Are there positive and negative terminals on the galvanometer ?

A thin uniform wire AB of length 1m, an unknown resistance X and a resistance of 12? are connected by thick

conducting strip, as shown in the figure. A battery and a galvanometer (with a sliding jockey connected to it)

are also available. Connections are to be made to measure the unknown resistance X using the principle of

Wheatstone bridge. Answer the following questions.

(a) Are there positive and negative terminals on the galvanometer ?


2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
The correct option is (A) battery across EB and galvanometer across BC. Explanation: Appropriate connections are: Battery across EB and galvanometer across BC.
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
The galvanometer do not have any positive and negative terminals, the pointer can point in any direction with zero as the reference point at the centre. It shows currents (both ac and dc) which has a desired direction of flow of electrons..

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