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need advice on how to prepare for iit

varen agg , 12 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Veren,

  1. Believe in yourself. First , have strong belief in yourself that you have got the ability to reach to IITs . Work hard. Someone has rightly said where there is a will there is a way.


  2. Work hard. Try to put in as much time as you can in understanding the topics being covered. Even if you don''t feel like solving problems, read popular articles or wikipedia pages related to the topics. Having a clear concept is more important than being able to solve problems.
  3. 3
    Have a proper guidance. A good and experienced teacher or coaching institute will generally be of help. They are familiar with the pattern of the examination, and the kind of effort that a student needs to put in.
  4. 4
    Concentrate on each topic. You should go through each chapter with a lot of concentration. If suppose you are unable to solve a problem choose another. Try to understand the basics of each topic instead of solving all problems. Very often a thorough understanding of a few topics proves better than a superficial idea about all topics.
  5. 5
    Revise. Whatever is being taught to you in school or tuition immediately revise it once your back in home. This will help you to keep in touch with all topics, since a lot needs to be covered in a short time.
  6. 6
    Put in effort continuously. Don''t lose your heart if you are unable to do something. You will have to work hard everyday till you reach your destination. The journey is not that easy but if u have strong determination you can do it with ease.
  7. 7
    Have good study materials at your disposal. Go for HC VERMA in physics and NCERT. Go for arihant publications for chemistry. For maths go for arihant and NCERT too. Plus, have a question bank of previous 34 years by arihant publications or FIITJEE archive. solve this and you will have a sharp edge over others.You need to work on Chemistry O.P Tandon also..It helps you alot


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Aman Bansal

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