Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> co ordinate geometry and series...
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It would be very kind if you give me the solutions of the following questions=Q1.a,b,c are positive numbers in GP and the equation (a+di)x2+2(b+ei)x +(c+if) =0 have only one real root then a/c , b/e , c/f are in HP/GP/AP?(i=iorta)Q2.Length of shortest normal chord of y2 =4x is ?Q3.Let P be a point on the ellipse (x-2y+3)2/125 + (2x+y-1)2 /45 =1 and A and B are the foci of the ellipse. Find the maximum area of triangle ABP.

aman mahajan , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
saket shrivastava

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

q.1) dont know

q.2) if end points are (a2,2a) and (b2,2b) then ab=-1 and solve by minimizing dist for two points. for minima, a= (root)2

      min dist = (root)108

q.3) the equation is not of ellipse........ in ellipsse coefficient of xy=0






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