
Vapour pressure of Pure benzene & toluene are 32 and 102 mm of Hg. A mixture of benzene and toluene is composed of 1 mole each. A)If pressure of mix is reduced, with what pressure does the first vapour form. B)What is composition of first trace of vapour form C)If pressure is reduced further, with what pressure does the last trace of liquid appear D)Composition of Last trace

Vapour pressure of Pure benzene & toluene are 32 and 102 mm of Hg. A mixture of benzene and toluene is composed of 1 mole each.

A)If pressure of mix is reduced, with what pressure does the first vapour form.

B)What is composition of first trace of vapour form

C)If pressure is reduced further, with what pressure does the last trace of liquid appear

D)Composition of Last trace

Grade:12th Pass

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Vikas TU
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