Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> iit jee 2012...
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what is the total marks of both first paper and second paper that iitjee 2012 conducting this year????

ganesh yasarapu , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
bharathteja p

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

The IIT JEE exam pattern took a new curve. IIT JEE is now have single phase examination of objective question only in all the sections, of all three subjects. It’s able to make out the ability of student on the basis of his analytical & logical skill and able to judge his comprehension level.

The jury board of IIT JEE has revamped the IIT JEE exam pattern by bringing certain changes into it, they are following:-

1.) Eradicating 4 attempts, only allowed maximum two attempts - one in qualifying year & other year followed.
2.)    Students who have 60% aggregate in boards are allowed to appear & get admission when they qualify only in seven IIT’s & in case of  SC, ST, OBC - relaxation of about 55%.
3.)    There will be no final or main exam; this reduced the pressure on students who are appearing.
4.)    IIT JEE Cut off is subject wise in each and every section.
5.)    A negative marking is there in each and every section.
6.)    It has 40 questions in each which are objective type.
7.)    There are 10 versions of paper or one can say 10 different sets. Which has same questions but in a jumbled order.
8.)    Each question in this engineering entrance exam is of 3 marks & total marks for this paper is 252.
9.)    There will be 2 question papers with hrs of duration with multiple choice answers.

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