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Sir/s, i'm in a serious problem. I filled my form, made the payment, but accidentally, it got destroyed by fruit juice. The bar code got drenched, so did the bank stamp. What is the solution for sending the form other than resubmitting the money>

Prashasta Vijai Singh , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Nikhilesh Reddy

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

u dont need to pay the money again..

get one more application form and fill in all u details  and...

go the respective bank where u paid the money in...

and find out the transaction number of the previous deposit and also the branch code..

and just get a stamp and signature from the reapective person and then post it to respective iit institute...


u dont need to pay the money again, because the transation number if thr with u.....


if u applied online..

go login to the iit website, u can see ur applicaion form and then just take a printout of it and go the bank and fill in urs and banks information..

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