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the best way to crack iit also good book of mathematics

SHIVA KUMAR GUPTA , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Pratham Ashish

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

hi, i can say only one thing that there is not any best way to crack iit , but yes i can say for sure if u study hard and give 5-6 hours on jee preparation on a regular basis then cracking jee will be an easier task for u......consistentency and hard work is key to success for getting into iits...u can also decide on the topic wise prerparation if u r a dropper but if u r in 11th class then u hav sufficient time for doing a good preparation......so in my opinion u must join any coaching institutes for proper guidance as their teaching structure is very broad and that will increase ue chances of getting into iits.....if u don't feel like joining any coaching then u can also join our online coaching programmes as this is an unique type of programmr which could save ur precious time and will provide u best possible mantras for getting selected into iits.....u must visit our homepage and can find all the offers their...... Regarding ur query abt math books , i wud suggest u to take arihant book as they provide almost all type of varieties in the questions of all topics and it wud be sufficient for u ....... Please feel free to post as many doubts on our disucssion forum as you can. If you find any question difficult to understand - post it here and we will get you the answer and detailed solution very quickly. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation. All the best . Regards, Askiitians Experts Pratham IIT – Delhi

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