Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> How much dedication would it take to get ...
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I want to know how much will I have to work in order to get a very good rank in JEE by preparing for a single year and by self study.



About me-


I was a good student till a year back, scored 88% in my class 10 boards. But the last year had been a disaster. I failed several times. My 11th final exam is going on and I'm not going to do good I can tell. I may even fail in physics and chemistry. So you obviously can tell that I know almost nothing about the syllabus.



Coming to the point-


Its not that I lack confidence. I have faith in myself that I can clear JEE with one of the best ranks. Thats because, in my 11th, I was not sincere, and hence I had done extremely bad. But I know I can recover if I work hard. Besides, during my 10th, I studied sincerely for 3 months and had done pretty fair, I guess. So I have confidence that I can do it in a year.


I don't want to take coaching because tuitions don't do much good to me, I know. Last year, I took tuition and got just nothing. I don't think it can help me much. Besides, we don't have very good centers in Guwahati. And my point is 1000s of students take coaching in a center, how many of them get through? Hardly 10-15!! And those are brilliant as well as hard working, they don't taste success because of others I guess.


And if I don't succeed (just a probability, I have confidence that I can clear it the first time I appear), I can take coaching at Kota next year. So I am not losing much.


What I want to know is do you believe in me too? What are the books that I have to choose in order to get through by self study? Do you think one year is not sufficient (cause I don't think so)?



Sameer Ahmed , 13 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

dear sameer , i also didnt believe in coaching institute & tutions etc ... same condition i had already faced & my 1 year

was wasted ....i thnk there is no need of coaching to clear IIT & i believe that self study is 100 or 1000 times better than

to go here n there for tutions etc ...those students which are selected in JEE are already hardworking there is no contribution of coaching for their selection in IIT'S ...

most important is to built ur concepts  basics, & this can be done by reading gud books with dedication & full

concentration....i thnk u should join test series of FIITJEE or brilliant so that u can also compare ur preparation

with others ...

now i m  giving a list of books u should have

for basics

maths - RD sharma

chemestry - dinesh or pradeep    (refresher)

physics - pradeep      (refresher)

for iit level

maths - A das gupts

chemestry - disha's organic chemestry , p bahadur or RC mukherjee (numericals)

physics - arihant DC pandey (all five parts)

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