Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> pressure of iit in my early days...
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actually im an average studen....i was not interested in studies till i passed my 10th standard...i hv herd alot about iit-jee...and i realised that this is want i want to do in future...im recieving coaching from an istitute...dude to some problem i was unable to take coaching during my 11th standard...so i am doing a 1 year iit program...it is my early days... i hv barely attended 5 class and i can feel the pressure already...im really nor understanding it very eazily..my teaching staff is very good...and very experience aswellwhat should i do...should i quit the idea of iitor i still have chance

Rohan Cariappa , 13 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear Rohan,

AS you said you just attended 5 days classes, it is too early to take a decision.Giyve it a try for 3 more months.TO qualify IITJEE you need hardwork and dedication to understand the conceppts and apply them.If you are preparing for JEE and you are learnin the concepts those may also help in AIEEE exam.

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