
Hey,I'm in class 9 going to class 10...i was thinking of starting IIT-JEE preparation.....Please help me!! 1. How should I start my preparation? 2.How to revise all class 9 and complete class 10 syllabus in shortest time? 3.I heard about Kaysons Educations.Is it good?should I get it after completing class 10 syllabus?? PS:I am enrolled in fiitjee correspondance course for class 9 and 10(ascent in the box)

Hey,I'm in class 9 going to class 10...i was thinking of starting IIT-JEE preparation.....Please help me!!

1. How should I start my preparation?

2.How to revise all class 9 and complete class 10 syllabus in shortest time?

3.I heard about Kaysons Educations.Is it good?should I get it after completing class 10 syllabus??

PS:I am enrolled in fiitjee correspondance course for class 9 and 10(ascent in the box)


1 Answers

Geek 001
20 Points
13 years ago

1. You should start by preparing our 10th Class syllabus and clearing all the concepts in 10th class.

2. DO from NCERT .

3. KE is good but if u r already enrollled for the FIITJEE program there's no need for Kaysons!

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