Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> about ismu dhanbad...
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sir i want to know about cse department in ismu dhanbad . how is it . is it better to join in cse of ismu or to join in ece in nit surat

vellanki sri harsha , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Join ECE in NIT Surat. Placement for Mining Students is better for ISM than the cse students out there. also ECE is a much more desired branch than even cs these days. ECE has got a great scope even in the future ahead.

NIT Surat is one of the top NIT and would ensure u a good faculty and infrastructure.

NITK Surathkal was ranked the 11th best (2002), 8th best (2006) and 11th best (2009)in the country by India Today (a popular weekly magazine). In another ranking by NASSCOM, IDC and Dataquest Magazin. the college was ranked 3rd best for placements in India with an overall ranking of 11.In its recent survey Times Of India has ranked NITK at the tenth position overall and ninth in terms of government institute in the country for engineering. The college is known for its good faculty and facilities for research.

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