suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear kiran,
First dont loose confindence because of the results in coaching.The must follow procedure to learn a topic is, you read the concepts, get into depths of the topics, studying HOW and WHY everything is what it is.After understnading the topic do some solved examples related to that, then notch up a bit a solve some wuestions which are moderatley easy to solve.Do some questions that appeared in IIT papers related to that topic.Then practise as many unmber of prbolems you can in a fixed time frame.If you follow this you can definetly learn a topic easily and you can perform well in the exams.
Please feel free to ask your queries here. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.
All the best.
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Askiitians Expert
Suryakanth –IITB