suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
dear harender ,
For the first part of your query
You have books which are more conceptual, try to have some books which have good number of solved exampoles like arihant series,
First thing , find out hte topics you are good at, make them your strong scoring topics, then move on to general scoring topics solve the problems, to solve problems you need better conceptual knowledge , these are inter related if you solve more number of problems you get more grip on the topic so solve as many problems you caan even though you dont understand them at that point of time.Then move on to a bit tuff topics,same applies here.To complete all these thing in 6 months you will minimum require 10 hrs a dya , plan you day according to that.Apply the same for all the three subjects.If you follow this you can easily crakc a rank in JEE
Please feel free to ask your queries here. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.
All the best.
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Askiitians Expert
Suryakanth –IITB