
How should I revise IIT-JEE syllabus (after learning)? What should be revised?

How should I revise IIT-JEE syllabus (after learning)? What should be revised?


1 Answers

suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB
105 Points
14 years ago

Dear Abdul,

After completing you portion you should start revising the topics you are good at.Read them throughly again even though you know everything about them.Next Start with the subject you are good at.Suppose in physics, start revisiing small chapters like vectors,basic kinematics ,gravitation,Thermodynamics and then if you have time move on to big chapters else take other subject and revise small chapters of that subject once you are done reading small topics,read the bigger ones,one chapter at a time for 3 subjects.

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Suryakanth –IITB


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