Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> answering the paper...
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Sir,Iam Pavani Irequire informationHow to attemt the paper

pavani pavani , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago


Dear pavani,

  • Start attempting the question paper only after reading the instructions given on it very carefully.
  • While attempting questions, go on segregating them by the A, B, C method A :These questions are from topics that you have prepared well, and you can clearly comprehend the meaning of these questions. You have done questions containing similar concept earlier and you are confident that you will be able to solve these. B :You know you can solve these questions but they are time-consuming, nevertheless you are confident you will be able to crack them when you come back to them. These questions should be attempted in the second round of question attempting, i.e. when you have solved all questions marked with a B. C :You don't know head or tail of these questions and you should not waste time attempting them.
  • Attempting to solve all questions in haste increases the chances of error. It is better to solve slightly fewer questions faultlessly.
  • Never attempt two questions at the same time. Concentrate on one question at a time.
  • Carry out all rough work only in the space given in the paper.
  • If you need a diagram to understand questions in say physics or coordinate geometry etc., do make one.
  • Use the value of constants given in the paper in solving a numerical. If the value is not mentioned, use the one you remember.
  • Give all three subjects equal time - i.e. 50 minutes each for physics, chemistry and mathematics.
  • While attempting the answers, do not shade the answer key immediately. Instead, tick your response with a pencil 4 on the answer key.
  • Keep marking questions with A, B, C in the first round of solving the paper. All questions should be segregated into one of these three categories. This saves valuable time later.
  • Fill out the answer key 30 minutes before final time. Fill out the responses to questions attempted after this directly in the answer key.

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