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can i cover the syllabus of iitjee in 7 months

mohit rai , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
AJIT AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear mohit ,

Well the point is that is is not the amount of syllabus you cover but the concepts you master matters. It is not like Board exam or for that matter like AIEEE where just covering the whole course and having a feeble idea can sail you through the exam. so , do try some important topics like .. physics --- electromagnetics , electrostatics , modern physics , newton law of motion , work energy power.     chemistry ..... physical can be covered whole in 7 months , also for organic learn name reactions and reaction mechanism . for inorganic you have to learn it by heart from ncert, don't go to other book. In maths vector , 3-D , calculus , complex number , geometry is important.

GOOD lUCK !!!!

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