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tell me how much should i study. for cracking jee 2011 . i also syudy fe

Prathamesh Zurale , 14 Years ago
anser 3 Answers
suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Prathamesh,

To crack IITJEE one needs to have a strong conceptual knowledge in each of the three subjects,as there will be individual cutoff for each subject.you need study right from the basics,understand each and every topic clearly,get a firm conceptual kowledge,solve prolems,do variety of problems and get familiar with problem  solving techiniques.Try solving the problems in less time,this you will gain after solving mumerous problems.Anyone one crack JEE,have this confidence.


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Neelabh Kumar

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

I think 6 - 7 hours are enough is you study carefully.

Always remember Quality > Quantity.

Pathfinder Rocks

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

There is nothing like how much you should study. You must try to focus on doing your concepts well


Only then its possible to crack jee

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