Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Pulp nad paper branch scope...
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Hi...I got very low rank in IIT JEE. There is change to get pulp and paper branch in IIT Roorkee. Is there scope of this branch?

shilpi vineet , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
AskiitiansExpert Rohan

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

The global pulp and paper industry is dominated by North America ( USA, Canada ), Northern European( Finland, Sweden) and East Asian Countries (such as Japan). Australia and Latin America also have significant pulp and paper industries. Both India and China are expected to be the key in the industry's growth over the next few decades...


But  if you really want to go out of India and serve there, this may be the right choice for you. Infact most of the internships of this branch are placed outside. This branch goes hand in hand with the Biotech engineering. both of these are very closely related to each other..


India too has some great industry coming up recently. So even if you want to settle in India this is a very good option. Also if you are able to get an IIT tag, thats more than just sufficient. Being at IIT is itself a very proud thing to have...


My advice- Go for it

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