Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> preparatory course for iit jee 2010...
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Dear Sir, I have scored 63 marks in iit jee 2010 and I belong to SC category . Shall I be called for counselling for preparatory course ?

ishant kumar , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
pramod kumar

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

dear ishant,

for preparatory  course check this link http://jee.iitm.ac.in/counseling/marks/cutoff.htm . from this link it is to be noted that there  is no seat vacant for which they shld called students for counselling  for prptry course,.in jee 2010  there are 1700 sc candidates who qualified for  merit list,so in jee 2010 there is no preprtry course  for sc candidates but for st and pd only for marks higher than 48.

if this information really helpsyou ,than plz reply yes or no.

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